Board of Directors Approved 07/07/05
June 16, 2005

Present: French, Hotaling, Williams, Steiner, Machado, King, Passalacqua, Capozzo,
Excused: Wislon, Young, Sullivan, Hughes

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of May 5, 2005
King motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded. The motion carried.

Minutes of the June 2, 2005 General Membership Mtg & June 2, 2005 Board Meeting
Machado motioned to approve, King seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report Accepted

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Member: Duncan & Leslie McFarlane. Hotaling motioned to approve, King seconded. The motion carried.

Committee Reports
Green: The committee would like conceptual tee designs of #2 and #13 this year to develop these projects for the 2006 budget. They are requesting $1,900 for conceptual designs. Machado motioned to table the request until August 2005, Steiner seconded. The motion carried.

Golf: The revenue and expenses of the year's first outside tournament was reviewed and well received by the committee. There was discussion on developing a new format for the Anniversary Invitational to increase participation. The committee discussed the Board's request to consider a competitive golf event with another club. Our golf pro will contact other clubs to see if there is an interest for such an event. The sign up format for the men's invitational was also discussed.

House: The silent auction held in May was successful. The committee is prioritizing their needs and will use the proceeds from the sale for their purchases.

Tennis: Four bids for the tennis renovation have been received. Two of the bids were returned to the contractors with modifications for cost adjustments.

Membership: The prospective member wine and hors d'oeuvre event was changed to a dinner event scheduled for June 4, 2005. This was due to the small number of invitee's.

Food & Social: The date for the wine tasting and purchasing has been changed from October 7, 2004 to October 28, 2005. Informal dining will be served in the Ballroom on Friday and Saturday nights if the room is available.

Pool & Fitness: The committee would like to purchase shades for the south side of the fitness center. The cost of the shades is $660.00 over their approved budgeted C.I.F. They are requesting that this difference come from the funds approved for the conex box which is not needed at this time. The Board declined the request for the additional funds as well as the spending of any approved funds until the 2005 C.I.F. budget has been reviewed by the treasurer.

Pool Vacuum: The pool vacuum is no longer working and cannot be repaired. A new vacuum is needed immediately. Capozzo will obtain bids for a new vacuum and is requesting approval of funds for the purchase. Machado motioned to approve funds, King seconded. The motion carried.

Dress Code Ballot
Williams and Machado will draft wording for the ballot and present it to the Board.

Minimum Selling Price
The minimum selling price is to remain at $15,000 and be reviewed again in six months.

A request for reimbursement of a broken window caused by an errant golf ball. The Board declined the request. The Club does not reimburse homeowners for broken windows. The Board apologized for the inconvenience caused.

King motioned to adjourn, Machado seconded. The motion carried. 8:30 p.m.